About Suds & Bees
My Story
My name is Monica, I'm the founder of Suds & Bees, a site dedicated to teaching people how to make natural and not so natural products.
I've had chronic psoriasis for over 40 years. Throughout most of my life, numerous commercial products irritated my skin exacerbating my skin condition.
In 2011 I started making soaps out of pure frustration. Soaps on the market would irritate my skin, and all-natural soaps were costly running from $8 to $12 a bar! I decided to learn how to make soap, and that lead to me dabbling in many other bath products as well as cosmetics.
After several years of formulating products and sharing with friends and family, I have started a YouTube channel, so I can teach others what I have learned and how to formulate products with high-end ingredients for a fraction of the cost.
Join me in having a blast while making messes and learning how to create handcrafted goodies.
DISCLAIMER: I am not an esthetician or a dermatologist nor claim to be an expert. I'm a tenacious individual who loves to DIY bath goodies and cosmetics
"Hi, Impact"